Brand Guidelines for Partners, Media and Employees
Welcome to our corporate branding page! Here you’ll find documentation on how to utilize our company logo, corporate color specs, font information, corporate descriptions, paper/print/PDF-formatted assets, and digital assets.
Please direct questions regarding this page to: Jason Mkrtschjan at or 847-654-4592.
Brand Guidelines for Partners, Media and Employees
Welcome to our corporate branding page! Here you’ll find documentation on how to utilize our company logo, corporate color specs, font information, corporate descriptions, paper/print/PDF-formatted assets, and digital assets.
Please direct questions regarding this page to: Jason Mkrtschjan at or 847-654-4592.
CleanAir Engineering prioritizes using two-tone blue color logos over monochrome variants. In applications where the two-tone blue logo blends/fades into a background, use either an all-black or an all-white variation (except on apparel).
Where possible (and legible), include a logo variation with the description “ENGINEERING” and the circle R registered trademark symbol.
Any logo layout may be used; select whichever best suits your need. Where the Circle R registration mark becomes illegible, it must be removed. Where “ENGINEERING” becomes illegible, it must be removed. Logos sized smaller than 300px should not include the circle R symbol.
Below Image Specifications
Format: PNG with Transparent Background
Color Mode: RGB
Dimensions: 1600px wide
The CleanAir Engineering logo incorporates two blue colors (indicated below). Along with standard black and white, several other colors and visual effects, gradients and fades can be found in print and digital assets.
CMYK: 83, 41, 1, 0
RGB/HEX: 00355F
CMYK: 100, 44, 0, 63
Logo Animations
Any logo animation layout may be used; select whichever best suits your need. Where the Circle R registration mark becomes illegible, it must be removed. Where “ENGINEERING” becomes illegible, it must be removed. Logos sized smaller than 300px should not include the circle R symbol.
Below Video Specifications
Format: MPEG-4 AAC, H.264
Dimensions: 3840 × 2160px
All print and digital assets utilize two primary fonts. Suitable substitutes for email, correspondence and documentation include: Arial for email bodies and signatures and print. Lato for marketing emails. Other substitutes include: Adobe Myriad and Lato.
Montserrat — Website copy/text and paragraph text on print documents. Available from Google Fonts.
Frutiger LT Std — Corporate Logo Font, also used for certain headings in print documents. Available from Monotype.
Company Slogans and Descriptions
Over the history of our organization, CleanAir has embraced a wide range of slogans. As the company has evolved over the past 50+ years, divisions have been built and dismantled, but our core values, purpose and service-oriented ethic remain intact. Today, we hold high a slogan which captures a sense of our expertise (gas/thermal performance measurement/”Measure”), our services and the quality of our equipment (“Performance”), and the value we provide to our customers (“Beyond”).
Performance Beyond Measure.
One-Line Company Description
Global leaders in air and gas measurement and thermal performance testing.
Mission Statement—Our “Aim”
To be recognized, worldwide, for providing the highest value products and services in support of global sustainability.