Ambient Air Networks
If you need to address a new local ordinance, respond to an emergency, or just want to be proactive, CleanAir can design and implement an ambient monitoring solution that gives you reliable air quality data. We can measure a variety of constituents and identify the sources of air pollution with back trajectory modeling for both short and long term projects. Learn more.
- Regulatory assessments
- Instrument selection
- Quality assurance and control plans
- Dispersion modes
- Back trajectory models with Envirosuite

Emergency Response
During an emergency, it can be necessary to monitor the ambient concentrations of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). These include benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylene (BTEX). Target compounds can be measured through the application of a variety of real-time monitoring approaches, such as Photoionization Detectors (PID), open-path monitoring systems (UV DOAS) as well as portable gas chromatographs (GC) and mass spectrometers (MS). Learn more.
- 24/7 Deployment with on-site support
- Readiness programs for 12 or 24-hour response times
- Rapid monitoring response planning
- Emergency action plans
CleanAir has been at the forefront of flare issues in the United States since 2008. As the US EPA moved forward with its flaring initiative, CleanAir worked with clients in the refining and chemical industries to find ways to address the issues raised by the EPA. We have assisted clients in negotiating settlements, conducted extensive testing on a wide range of flares to characterize flare performance, developed and validated surrogate operating parameters such as the Net Heating Value in the Combustion Zone (NHVcz), participated in flare research sponsored by states, industry, trade organizations and US EPA, helped to develop flare training materials for plant operators, provided training for flare vendors on regulatory issues and flare efficiency findings, and have assisted industrial clients on a variety of flare monitoring and management issues.
- Regulatory reporting SaaS Solutions
- Destruction efficiency testing with PFTIR
- Consent decree negotiation
- Consent decree implementation
- Emissions calculations
- Flare management plans
- Waste gas minimization plans
- Gap Assessments
- Training Programs
CleanAir provides support and consulting services for most CEMS analyzers. We also design, build, and install custom CEMS, data acquisition systems, and ambient air monitors. Learn more about our mercury and ethylene oxide services.
- Permit review
- Regulatory Consulting
- QA/QC Plans
- Training
- Sampling Systems
- Temporary equipment

Source Testing
Since 1972, CleanAir has been a leader in the stack testing business. During this time, we have worked in a multitude of industries across the globe perfecting our craft and building a culture of excellence. If you have an issue where standard methodology fails, sampling is in a difficult location, or everything needs to be performed with little time to prepare, contact us. We’ve done this every day for the past 48 years! We’ll design specific equipment, develop processes and create new test methods to safely measure, interpret and deliver the highest quality data.
- Permit review
- Test planning / scheduling
- Method development
- Laboratory studies
- White papers