Measuring Formaldehyde at Lowest Detection Levels Using the MultiGas FTIR Analyzer
Preliminary Recommendations—Summary
Per 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart YYYY, the emissions limit in turbine exhaust for formaldehyde is 91 ppb. In order to measure formaldehyde at steady state at the lowest possible levels, the MultiGas FTIR equipped with a LN2 detector can be used with a custom water calibration (done in the field right before the test), 10-min spectra (average of 10 x 1 min scans) and an optimized formaldehyde calibration. A detection limit as low as ~ 30 ppb (as 3-sigma) can be achieved under these optimal conditions (applicable to each 10-min spectrum). Although MKS cannot guarantee that any instrument in the field can meet this detection limit, guidelines are provided to reach the lowest possible detection limit.