FTIR, or Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, is used for a broad range of measurements because it can simultaneously measure many compounds at low detection limits. It is a fantastic detection approach for measuring ammonia, organics, sulfur compounds, NOX, and much more. We design and execute both short- and long-term measurement projects for our clients and we provide analyzer rental services, including the latest optically enhanced (OE-FTIR) instruments for LDL formaldehyde and ethylene oxide measurement.

Characterize Stack Emissions

Optimize Pollution Control Equipment

Improve Process and Product Quality
Fully-Integrated Temporary Systems
Get a complete, palletized FTIR system set up at your facility. Our fully-integrated, temporary systems come with all the hardware and software you need to conduct EPA reference method sampling (i.e. EPA Method 320). CleanAir FTIR experts can monitor and control FTIR systems remotely. If any issues arise with your system, we receive email and text alerts to accelerate the troubleshooting process. View your data from your phone, tablet, or computer at anytime. If you want a customized, periodic measurement reports or data summaries, we can provide those too. This is the perfect option for long-term measurement projects, but these systems are also used for short-term studies as well.
Onsite Measurement Services
Our field technicians will insert probes into stacks or other sampling points, run sampling lines, initiate calibrations, and give our FTIR systems a full start-up check. We also help with other manual procedures such as traverses.